10 Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Real Estate Agent

Hiring a real estate agent is one of the most important decisions you will make during your selling or buying process. Many people often hire the first real estate professional they find without asking any questions. This can be dangerous for buyers and sellers since you never know who you are working with. Before you hire a real estate agent, ask them the following ten questions.

  1. Are you a member of an agent organization? Your goal is to find a real estate agent that is licensed and has the right credentials. Real estate professionals that belong to organizations like the National Association of Realtors agree to adhere to the organization’s code of ethics.
  2. Do you have references? You need to confirm that you are working with a reputable agent. Contacting about three of their previous clients and learning their experience will help you decide if you would like to hire the agent.
  3. How long have you worked in the area? You are looking for an agent that has experience within the area. This means they will be aware of the market value and other important aspects.
  4. Are you interested in selling my home? This is an important question for many reasons. It allows the agent to make sure they have time in their schedule to take on the important task of selling your home.
  5. What is your marketing strategy to sell my home? The agent should provide details on their strategy to sell your home. It should be clear and precise.
  6. Can you explain the selling process to me? Homeowners often aren’t familiar with the selling process, since they usually live in their home for many years. The market is always changing. You want an agent that will explain the selling process.
  7. How long do I have to list my house with you? Make sure you feel comfortable with the terms before you agree to hire the agent.
  8. What are your fees? The agent should provide you with pricing, fees and other expenses. You need to know the price range to assure you can afford it in your budget.
  9. May I see the documents I need to sign? Read over the documents to assure you are confident with the agreement.
  10. What will the closing costs be? Learning this information will help you understand the process better and provide you with a clear outlook if your house were to sell.

Remember real estate agents are an asset to you. Be professional and friendly when asking them the questions listed above. You are looking for a kind, educated, professional real estate agent that is going to guide you through the process. Checking references will give you a clear idea of what your experience will be like. Make sure you are comfortable with terms, fees, pricing and the agent before hiring.