Plastic bag use in stores could soon be a thing of the past in Coral Gables after the city commission on Tuesday gave initial approval to an ordinance banning the products.

The measure will require a second vote to become law, which will likely come at the March 28 meeting. The action sets the city up to be the first municipality in Florida to ban plastic bag use.

Although the proposal drew a crowd of supporters, it also had some opponents — or at least people who asked the commission to delay action.

The ordinance will prohibit plastic bag use by retailers in Coral Gables and at city special events. The ordinance does provide for exceptions including: plastic bags that the shopper provides, plastic bags without handles, bags used to hold prescription medicines at a pharmacy or veterinarian’s office, dry cleaning bags, pet waste bags, yard waste or trash bags and newspaper bags.

Violators would be warned first, but then could be fined, starting at $50 and increasing to $500 after a third violation in a one-year period.

The item also encourages businesses to promote the use of reusable bags and gives retailers the option to provide reusable or paper bags for a fee of at least 10 cents.

Supporters and members of environmental groups, including the Surfrider Foundation, Debris Free Oceans, and Miami Waterkeeper, packed the commission chambers to voice their support.

“I’m really excited that you guys are taking this on, it’s like a dream come true,” said Michael DeFilippi, an activist who organizes cleanups and advocated for the Styrofoam ban in Miami Beach. “What you’re doing here is going to have an influence around the state of Florida.”

One of the attendees, Mike Gibaldi, came dressed as a “bag monster,” wearing an outfit covered in plastic bags.
