
The 2pm workday slump is felt in abundance around the country. You probably experience it yourself if you are the owner or in upper management. Almost everyone needs a quick pick-me-up in the afternoon otherwise exhaustion sets in and productivity slows down just a bit. Even though it seems like working from 2pm to 5pm at a slower pace is not a big deal, it is. Let’s do some math. Three hours a day, five days a week is 15 hours of slow workers trying to get through the day. But don’t panic! There is a solution. It’s called coffee or in Miami, its “Cafesito”.

You can help your employees prevent their afternoon slump by providing coffee in the office. Before you start calculating the cost, let’s take a moment to understand the positive impact a cup of coffee has on your employees. First, the majority of people drink coffee whether it is caffeinated or decaffeinated. This little cup of coffee can make your employees feel appreciated, cared for, special, comfortable and provide a surge of energy that helps them make it to the end of the work day. Did you catch that? “Surge of energy”.

The smell of coffee alone is known to keep the mind alert and the mouth watering for a cup. Now let’s take the math problem we did earlier into consideration. 15 hours a week of slow productivity can reap havoc on your business. If you can avoid this by providing free coffee for your employees, it will certainly be less costly than the drop in productivity. In reality, you are actually helping your company to maintain its success rate at the same time as pleasing your employees.

Did you know that some employees that feel happy and taken care of at their job are more likely to go above and beyond the call of duty? This means they look for ways to improve the work they already do in a variety of different ways. They provide valuable feedback regarding the work they complete and they are pleased to be recognized for their efforts. Investing in a coffee machine at the office or work place is an essential part to providing employees with a burst of energy when they need it. You can choose from a variety of different types of coffee machines that will be best suited for your employees. Provide coffee for your employees today and watch your productivity enhance.

By: Wilson Alvarez – Editor