With sizzling spread in Maxim and GQ, no one lays down the law of modeling like Next Management bombshell Brittany Oldehoff.

A Fort Lauderdale native (and fourth runner-up in the 2014 Miss USA pageant), Brittany Oldehoff has been modeling since she was 10 years old and has walked runways for Michael Kors, Zac Posen, and Oscar de la Renta.

If you weren’t a model…
I’d be doing something in law enforcement. I studied criminal justice at Florida Atlantic University.

Favorite shoot to date?
GQ South Africa. [The photographer] had me do all of these crazy poses, and I thought to myself, There is no way this is going to look good! But when [the magazine] came out, it was flawless.

You competed in the 2014 Miss Florida USA pageant. What’s the difference between modeling and pageants?
The pageant world is very glamorous. It’s hard for me to adapt to that because I am somebody who loves to wear sweats and no makeup.

Fitness routine?
I lift weights. For me and my body type, it just works better to build muscle.

Cheat meal?
I’m a girl who likes burgers. If I just want to eat something to feel good, full, and happy, Shake Shack is the way to go!

Favorite place for a night out?
LIV. The music is always really good and there’s [a lot of] space to dance.

Favorite Miami hangout?
Crandon Park in Key Biscayne. It’s such a quiet, gorgeous beach. I also work there a lot.

Advice to aspiring models?
Show your personality and that you’re a human and not just a coatrack for clothes.