It’s time to sell your home! Homeowners make this decision carefully and with a lot of thought. It’s not easy to let go of memories and move away. But, once you reach your decision to sell, you get excited to see what the future holds. You are also faced with the process of selling your home. The information below will guide you through some of the important tasks you should do to prepare your house to sell.
• Clean Your Home – Nobody is saying your house is messy or dirty, but potential buyers have a high standard of cleanliness. This means you need to recruit the entire family to help clean and organize the house. This includes the attic and garage. Your goal is to show the potential buyer the amount of space they will have for their own belongings. Consider renting a storage unit if you don’t have enough space to organize your belongings.
• Upgrade the Kitchen and Bathroom – Every real estate agent will tell you the kitchen and bathroom are the two rooms in the house that can make or break a sale. Stay ahead of the game by updating your kitchen with new flooring, cabinetry, appliances, and countertops. If you can’t afford to upgrade everything mentioned, focus on the areas you can afford to improve.
• Paint the Interior – You will be surprised at the difference a fresh coat of paint can do for your home. Especially natural colors such as beige and white. These two colors open the space up and reflect natural light allowing potential buyers to see the possibilities.
• Focus on Landscaping – The curb appeal of the home is the first impression a potential buyer receives about the property. This means you want to have your lawn and landscaping in good condition. It should be welcoming and vibrant. You can choose to make the landscape improvements yourself or hire a professional.
• Aromatherapy – Have you ever walked into a home, building or store and smell something that repulsed you? This situation proves that aromatherapy affects the mood. You want the potential buyers to feel calm and welcome in your home. Your goal is to allow them to wonder around slowly discussing where to put their furniture and vision living their life in your home. Citrus or vanilla scents are the two most common and pleasing to most people. Add an air freshener to a few rooms in your home to assure the aroma is welcoming.
Preparing your home to sell doesn’t have to be an overwhelming task. The organizing and cleaning will help you prepare to move as well as impress potential buyers. Fixing up the entry way with a new door mat, a clean porch, and a few plants will help make a good impression too. Get started with the preparations today so you can show your home to potential buyers as soon as possible.