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AL ROYSTON: Five reasons to hire a financial advisor are: pressure to answer questions that you don’t want asked; assembly of a financial plan; identification of risks in your portfolio that you might ignore; talking you through market  volatility; and identification of biases. (Source: Sallie Krawcheck)

PAT FULTON: Listen closely to your prospect/client in identifying what the person likes or wants. Then tailor your sales approach to what you have just heard.

MARCELO HETENYI:  May is a good time for an estate review. Florida law does not allow for “deathbed statements” or wills written on cocktail napkins. If you do not have an official will, then you  will die “intestate”, leaving the state to sort out distribution of your assets.

ERNEST MARTINEZ: When you’re planning your investments (and asset protection), decide whether you want to put all your money “on the table” or put it “in a castle with a moat”…in other words: protected. Know when to “let go” of bad investments.

WILSON ALVAREZ: Tip 1: Document your office IT procedures (passwords, installation keys, user names). Tip 2: Rediscover your “passion”—that thing you used to enjoy doing, whether it’s a sport, cycling, DJ work, etc.

CAESAR PEREZ: Obamacare may face another court challenge. Insurance premiums under the new program are expected to increase between 15% and 60%. The federal government has announced that it will be 2015, not 2014, when the health program will be fully implemented. Tip 2: For internet TV programming, check out “Hulu” and “Roku”.

JOANN PARNS: When entering your business in recognition awards programs, “be in it to win it”. Use your knowledge and experience to put together a winning entry.

MARIE ANELLO: Your insurance policies contain a great deal of technical language. Pay special attention to what are listed as “exclusions”. Ask questions about what the words mean in those sections.