Kare Anderson: You can’t change the world by yourself.
Anderson’s talk is an ode to the power of extreme networking. According to Anderson, a Forbes columnist, great things don’t happen through individual effort. Instead, she says in her talk, it’s about connecting with people whose strengths complement yours, so that together, you create something big.

She calls it becoming an “opportunity-maker.”

Opportunity-makers, she says, are “not affronted by differences, they’re fascinated by them, and that is a huge shift in mindset, and once you feel it, you want it to happen a lot more. This world is calling out for us to have a collective mindset.”

That’s how we end up creating things like drones and curative drugs, she says. “They can be devised by more people and cheaper ways. … It calls on us, each of us, to a higher calling.”

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/ted-talks-that-teach-you-about-business-2015-8#ixzz3kQ9rBbLH