Are your teeth missing, chipped, misshapen or discolored? Many of us who are embarrassed by our teeth spend our lives laughing with our hands over our mouths to hide the imperfections. What if there was a simple solution that doesn’t involve major work on your teeth? Cosmetic dentistry has been around for a long time, but has only become increasingly popular over the past decade or so. If you are considering cosmetic dentistry, here a few benefits you should consider when making your decision.

  • Boost self-confidence – Cosmetic dentistry improves the look of your teeth and smile. This makes most patients feel confident about their looks. You won’t be hiding your smile behind your hand anymore.
  • More Opportunities – It’s not a secret that looking for a job is difficult during the digital age. Yes. It’s easier to apply online and send your resume far and wide, but there’s also plenty of competition. Your new smile will definitely impress any potential new employer, perhaps making you stand out from the rest of the crowd.
  • Prevents dental damage – Cosmetic dentistry can protect your teeth from further dental damage. Some cosmetic procedures can prevent further issues.

Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

  • Whitening – Everyone wants to have white teeth that look healthy. Many of us spend plenty of money on over-the-counter whitening systems even though we know better results can be found at the dentist office. A professional whitening procedure brightens your smile by removing common stains such as red wine, tea, coffee, tobacco and more.
  • Lumineers and Veneers – This cosmetic dentistry procedure is well suited for those who have misshapen teeth, stains, chips, gaps and other cosmetic flaws. Lumineers and Veneers are porcelain thin shells that are color-matched and attached to the surface of teeth.
  • Invisalign – If you suffer from misaligned, overcrowded, or gapped teeth you will benefit from using Invisalign. It replaces metal braces by utilizing comfortable clear removable aligners that straighten your teeth gradually over a period of time.
  • Bonding – Small cracks, gaps or chips can be fixed with bonding. It involves bonding composite resin to the teeth that are color-matched to assure a natural look.
  • Snap-On Smile – Many people don’t know about a snap-on smile. It is becoming a popular option for those who want to temporarily improve their smile in a painless quick way. Actors, beauty queens, brides and grooms often choose the snap-on smile option for special occasions that involve pictures and videos.

If you need cosmetic dentistry don’t hesitate any longer. Call us today for an appointment to start your journey to a new and improved smile.

As a dentist, and your business associate, we provide you with a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth, so you can close business more successfully and impress your prospects with an attractive smile and youthful winning appearance. Contact me for further details at (305) 258-9838  or visit my website at