Speaking in front of a crowd of people is not always easy. Some people have the natural ability and confidence that others need to work to achieve. I have a speaking engagement every week at various venues. I generally speak to 20-100 people at each gathering. However, recently I had to speak in front of a crowd of 400 people. I used a few techniques that helped me shake off my nerves and power through the presentation. I am going to share my helpful techniques with you today.
• Pray – Praying brings the soul, mind and body peace. Pray the night before the event, the morning of the function and at the venue. Find your peace and fully feel calm and confident.
• Become Familiar with the Venue – If you haven’t been to the venue in the past, you can research it online and locate a map. Most places have details on their website. This allows you to see the stage and audience set-up. Knowing this in advance allows you to picture yourself in the situation ahead of time.
• Arrive Early – Arrive before the crowd arrives to give yourself time to become comfortable with the situation. Step on stage, rehearse your notes and imagine seeing the large crowd. Find focal points that you are able to see through the bright lights. Allow yourself to feel confident with your stage presence.
• Drink Fluids – Try to calm your nerves with a warm beverage such as coffee or tea.
• Meditate – As you wait for your name to be announced meditate and find your peace. As you slowly bring yourself out of meditation, try your best to remain calm and peaceful.
• Walk On Stage – This is your moment! Take a deep breath and walk onto the stage with confidence.
• Use Your Strengths – During your presentation use your strengths. If you have a good sense of humor, say a few jokes to help the crowd relax and get their attention. If you are great at providing details, explain them in a way that allows the audience to understand them easier. Find your strengths and use them to enhance your presentation.
Remaining calm and focused during the delivery of your presentation is key. Early preparation and familiarizing yourself with the venue helps reduce stress. Prayer is essential to help you through the entire process. In addition to the tips listed above, you can add things that help you remain calm. The important part of your presentation is to provide valuable information to others that will help enhance their life. Next time you do a presentation, try these helpful tips.