Americans use social media to seek out a variety of information. In 2016, studies revealed that Americans prefer to get their news via social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram. Surprisingly businesses are still reluctant to use social media platforms. This means most businesses within the United States are not reaching millions of potential customers.

Americans still choose Facebook as their #1 social media platform; 79% of online users are on Facebook. While Facebook still remains the number one social media option for Americans, it doesn’t mean the other platforms don’t matter. Research revealed that most online users have more than one social media preference. Many people enjoy using a variety of platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Linkedin.

The other platforms might not have reached Facebook user status, but it might be because they are newer to the social media game. The research also includes the amount of users from the beginning of Facebook history, which allows it to reach higher amounts than the other platforms. However, recent studies for 2016 revealed that the amount of new Facebook users increased by a large margin compared to the competitors.

Easy access to free apps for all the social media platforms allow people to check their device more than once per day. Surely, you or someone you know is glued to their cell phone and always preoccupied with online information. People easily spend hours online browsing social media platforms for enjoyment and for opportunity.

Linkedin is a mega business website that now offers an app for easy access. People interested in growing their business network and learning updated information about their industry often choose this social media outlet. Countless people have made business connections, found jobs and furthered their career through this one social media outlet.

As a business owner, you want to focus on implementing social media into your marketing strategy. It allows you to grow your business with the potential of reaching millions within minutes. It is essential to have an account on a variety of social media outlets. Limiting your business to just one platform is excluding thousands of potential customers.

Take advantage of all the platforms by posting interesting content, advertising sales, promotions, products and more. Post pictures and videos to catch the eye of consumers. Research has proven that most online social media consumers are first attracted to pictures and videos before content. Make sure you include visuals to catch the eye of all consumers. The future is bright for social media and it projected to become larger and more influential in society for many years to come.